33(happiness et al)

I started using glasses when I was 7 years old.

It was acetate pink with white stripes. Then acetate blue. Then I used a more serious ones.

I’ve lost contact lenses in the sea, snow and sand.

I had myopia surgery, I stopped wearing glasses, but I was blind to other conflicts that burned in my soul, that each of my therapies helped in whatever way they could.

I learned that we must look at ourselves and others neither too much nor too little, but only the essentials.

We are short-sighted for the future, we see our immediate present because only God sees from far, through His lenses.

I learned that I must help whoever wants to, who allows themselves and who can be helped and not think that the salvation of many issues depends only on me.

If everything in the universe is energy, I learned that, many times, donating money to charity is more sincere act of love than many hugs.

Today I accept that I have anxieties that make me laugh at other times they make me shiver. In the end, laughing and raising the frequency is always worthwhile.

Today is the day on the agenda that I look at most fondly, my 27th!

Oh, and if she could talk! So many plans, numbers, records, crossed out hours, circled hours.

Today I see myself starting from a past that is learning to say goodbye.

I’m on my way to a future that welcomes me, that deserves me.

The childhood scribble, the teenage diary, a dream in the middle of the night, the path not taken, the late hour, the test I didn’t pass, everything brought me here. I’m the page I marked, the page I turned too quickly.I am a page that I write and experience.

And being here in this time and space knowing I made the right choice is priceless!

But it has color, climate, flavor. It has warm boots and hot chocolate on the spot to fight the cold weather.

Today I see that peace is a construction, a decision and a lot of detachment.

I came to unlearn more than to learn. More than writing and reading articles, I understood that time is an article of luxury. Today, in my opinion, life is an indefinite article.

Finally, I reached the age of Christ. And from Him, my best friend, my confidant, I hope you discover the joy that is deliver your pains in His merciful heart.

A blessed 33 that sounds more like a truly  english “happy birthday “  this year.

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