Easter times


-Aunt, do you believe in the devil?

-No. I believe in bad people …

My curiosity came as a child. I was afraid of the soul, bogeyman and monster in the closet. I asked this question to an aunt Tetê lying in the hammock, who thrashed her rosary every day before going to sleep.

“I think he hates me like the devil hates my soul,” was a phrase Grandma Luciola used to say.

Dad saw his father’s spirit when he lost his proof of residency in Rio de Janeiro. After a tiring bus trip to Rio, the test had already taken place and he, already full of fury, decided that he would complain to the director. He felt something tapping on his shoulder and when he turned around, he saw the spirit of his late father say to him “calm down my son, everything will be fine”. Upon returning to Teresina, he received a telegram of his approval for ophthalmology in Belo Horizonte.

Mom also had the supernatural acting in her life. At Matthew’s pregnancy, she was diagnosed with rubeolla, a disease that could leave marks on her fetus like deafness or blindness. The doctor proposed to abort, but she refused. crying even. Mom had Mateus healthy and until today he has always been the most unruly, intelligent and healthy of the three of us. He was the first to get married and brillhant in everything he does.

I did baptism, eucharist and confirmation but kept in touch with other religions. At the beginning of college I joined the youth groups in the Catholic Church, called Young People  and Shallom, who read the Bible a lot.I even wrote an article for a local magazine at the time about this experience.

I had a miracle in Brasilia. Upon returning from a wedding in São Paulo, I made a stopover at the airport. While waiting in the connection room, I walked in a circle thinking that I would have to find the administration coordinator of  University Camilo Filho and if this story of exorcism was true (something I heard a lot about Shallom).

Looking for a place to sit, I saw a blonde girl, who looked like a businesswoman from Teresina. I asked her if she was this supposed businesswoman and she laughed saying that many people mistook her for this person. But no, she was the administration coordinator of Camilo Filho (whom I was looking for) and in the course of the conversation he reported having done two exorcisms:

-They’re horrible. They only come out in the name of Jesus.

This experience marked me a lot, pitty that I lost contact with this girl, I think the name was Monica. Over time I got deeper into the subject and decided to read more every day. Until then I had a horror of Kardecism.

I learned about the apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorge by the Shallom community and went to research. I had never heard of it and was very impressed. I decided to print the main messages and give a small lecture in the group of the rosary that my mother participated in. When trying to print, the printer  failed and stuck. I heard a voice in my mind say “holy water”, I threw a litle bit of  holy water and it worked. I believe it was my guardian angel. It was a Monday and I printed Medjugorge messages. The next day the hospital was robbed  and on Friday they threw a stone at the physiotherapist’s car.

-The devil … he is very, very angry with you-said the evangelical manicure from the beauty salon, who had mediumship and always listened to my stories.

Time passed and I had another miracle of Our Lady of Medjugorge. I went to the Chapel of St. Michael the Archangel and I was sad, entirely sad. There were three RCC missionaries in the most holy place. I asled them to pray for me  and each opened a part of the Bible:

-Thorn of  Paulo!

-Good Samaritan!

-Matthew 6!

I opened my eyes and jumped back.

-How it is??

Matthew 6 … just the verse that Our Lady had asked to read every Thursday. Jesus … that could only be a sign. A supernatural atmosphere made me shiver and interpreted it as a sign. I learned that for God there are no coincidences

Theophile Gautier said once “chance is, perhaps, the pseudonym that God uses when he does not want to sign his works.”

I had graduated  but my affective life did not improve. The days passed and that was a burden for me.I decided to go to a Kardecism centre to try. The medium said:

-You had two obsessive spirits on top of you. One was from a man you rejected in the past life and he came to take revenge and hindered you in everything. As you lowered your vibration, another sick one came and entered your energy field. They already left. You can relax now.

How God works in our smallness, in our most intimate problems, even when we think that He has more important things to do!

I decided to open myself up to kardecism and start the course of Kardec doctrine. When I arrived at the interview, I spoke about my problem in the affective area and that for me was already reaching comic levels. To my surprise,she  said:

-I had this same issue in my youth. Every boyfriend I had went wrong. In that incarnation, I was unable to get married.

But dr.Bernardo din´t agree that much of that story :

-I have been studying the doctrine for 30 years and have never seen it!

That is why St. Paul, in his First Letter to the Corinthians, ends chapter 13 by saying: “Now, therefore, three things remain: faith, hope and love. The biggest one is love ”.

And love for me is broad, it is worthy. And your religion makes you a better person, great. It is to act in the right direction, in the right way. But my testimony is this. Spirituality for me today is something unique, but I hope that when I leave this world I can have a clear conscience of good combat.


1 Therefore, brothers, I pray for the mercies of God to offer themselves in a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your rational cult.

2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but transform yourself by renewing your mind, so that you will be able to experience and prove the good, pleasant and perfect will of God.

3 Therefore, by the grace that has been given me, I say to all of you: Let no one have a higher concept of himself than he should have; but, on the contrary, have a balanced concept, according to the measure of faith that God has given you.

Romans 12: 1-3

And that is what means being humble. It is knowing exactly who I am and what the other is. It is having the balance of mind and body. Today I try more and more to meditate, to pray and  to clear my mind, body and soul.


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