The short life of the new year


The new year begins like a baby, lulled, awaited and pampered by everyone. He takes his first steps, clumsily, falling intoxicated from New Year’s Eve. Open your eyes to the days, still sleepy.

In the adolescence of the new year, the first conflicts begin, the first new loves are formed, the whirlwind of sensations invades the mind of the year that is learning to mature and evolve each day.

In adulthood, he feels the weight of the months, the year-end bills to be paid, the taxes, the better age waving, the fear of abandonment, of not being so young anymore.

Already in old age, tired and ready to retire, the mature year dissipates in the preparations for the Christmas celebrations, dissolves in the expectations of the new year, to later sleep, wake up and, in the carefree stretching of the first day, to be born new year and be packed.





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